Saturday, May 19, 2007


It has been awhile since I was release from those bastards custody.. I was on home confinement and have been off since January... they kept their phone calling monitoring system calling my home even tonight MAY 22nd just to harass me. They people at the PRC ROCKVILLE MARYLAND are total bastards, sorry that is the only polite word for them all. I have heard of assaults, muggings and thefts from the hostages..ooops rather the residents/inmates that they like to call them, when you live there you are held HOSTAGE and are treated like a criminal. They have many bastards like , Scott Gunnison, whom is a lying cheating scumbag piece of shit! He will lie like hell on your interview....unless you catch him like I did!!!!!! MAKE SURE YOU SAY NOTHING TO THIS SCUMBAG, HE WILL LIE AND FALSIFY YOUR RECORDS, Watch him he is another bastard. I FORCED STEPHAN LOBUGLIO to correct my intentionally wantonly , maliciously falsified profile by gunnison, HE DID CORRECT MINE AND OTHERS!! EVERYONE THAT HAS STAYED IN THAT HOMELESS SHELTER SHOULD CHECK TO SEE THAT THEY WERE NOT WRONGFULLY PROFILED......100% are WRONGFULLY PROFILED BY SCOTT GUNNISON!!! CHECK IT OUT AND COMPLAIN AND FILE A LAWSUIT AGAINST MONTGOMERY COUNTY GOVERNMENT!! MAKE THEM PAY FOR THEIR INCOMPETENCE! Please MAKE THEM PAY ! You deserve it if they miscatogorize you because of gunnisons incompetence!, Pernell Shaw is a joke of a counselor, RUN AWAY FROM HIM, he is a real piece of shit also, he manipulates, intimidates, humiliates and antagonizes everyone he comes in contact with. He has a reputation of exactly what he is ..a piece of shit! He causes families alot of trouble and wonder they relocated him to the END of the building as far the fuck away from anyone he can cause trouble for....................................
My next post will talk about the quality of the children (women) that that hire there to harass the men. We will expose shaunda, Paoala, and the others in my next posting! I will end with this, If you have the MISFORTUNE of staying in the MONTGOMERY COUNTY ROCKVILLE MARYLAND PRE RELEASE CENTER HOMELESS SHELTER < it will be your WORST NIGHTMARE...that place is a complete HELLHOLE< SHIT HOLE< HOMELESS SHELTER< VERY THREATENING ENVIRONMENT< THEFTS< FIGHTS< DISCRIMINATION< and so damn much more!! IT really needs all those incompetent bastards that work there to be fired and replaced with people that care about their job. FIRE THEM ALL !!! INCLUDING LOBUGLIO, he is worthless also! He is a puppet....he is snowed by the employees and is afraid to cause waves, get rid of the bum!
Stay tuned for my next posting!


Anonymous said...

Scott Gunnison is a lying, self centered COunty employee, who in th eposition of Jailor, manipulates, in the worst venal way the emotions of men with problems. This destructive County employee, with a long history, performs the direct crulety of luring men in to his snare.

His only job is to book and get numbers for the the pre-release center, convince hapless individuals, to come in to his program and control.

As a worthless county employee, performing a menial, psychaitrict task to prey on adults, this man whom makes nothing, produces nothing, adds nothing to society, is in fact a sociopath.

He is a jailor, and a destroyer of Mens lives. A famous person once wrote that unfettered, all men would be cruel. SCott Gunnison is certainly that, dehumanizing, petty and cruel without any deceny. Scott, I hope you read this, and I want you to ask yourself one question. When you pass this mortal veil, will you have any friends show up at your corpse and at your funeral? How many friends do you have? IN life you have made hundreds of enemies. The day you expire, will you be beloved in humaity or cursed??

THe fact that you are on this blog is that you are hated.

I will read the Washington POst as to your death and passing, and watch as NO one but your municipal employees or your wife stand by your coffin and you are carried off to the crypt, by a ragtag 6 or 7. Jeering you on will be hundreds whom see your death as a mob vindictive against your lifes work.

Did you make a apinting or work in chemitry or perfoem any self effacing act? No you are a petty man, not to be remembered in time but for your cruelty. Your epitaph is etched on hundreds of souls.

I personally wish you everlasting hell and damnation for your life and times as you are the worse flotsam of human experience, comporable to a small Nazi, in a hated beauracracy.

I wish you personla hell in your final years, and hope that a just God, strikes you down as ignoble as inflicts you with the worst sort of death, as cancer, incontinence, humilitaing surgeries, and that you are buried in a far away, piece of ground, that is never remembered, ignored, weeds grow over and you rot, forgotten for all eternity.

Exposing the truth said...

Thank you for writing your experience with that ruthless predator Scott Gunnison. He is a manipulative liar and forms his professional opinion on what is best for Montgomery County governments statistics. ALL fabricated lies. Most "Residents" or "Inmates" are either uneducated or too scared to scrutinize his behavior, I am not thats why I started this blog.
Thank you for your input, it is appreciated that you came forward to help expose this corrupt institution.
Thank you,

Anonymous said...

This lying piece of scumbag, maintains his career,
off the ship of desperate souls. He helps no humanity, nor performs any act of kindness.

This, is exactly the worst, of human cruelty, acted out his kind. Maintaing his own games, and hoping for retirement, this venal piece of filth, is no differnet than a war criminal, seeking by any small committee, some fealty with the stinking police of the Montgonmery County Justice System.

His paycheck is derived from the attachmnet to the POlice Department.

I hope that in our last days, 10,00 0 memories come back to haunt you, you filth, you lowlife, you nothing.

I wish you personal hell for your life and times, wnat your wife and Son to see how you have lived. And at the end of Days, see what you have done wrong.

YOu are, simply an immoral man.

May you remebered as such for your lifes work as an absolute reprobate, low-life, idiot, and hangman.

May all of your Sons see these words, never obey you, and may you be buried low, you absolute, filth, piece of dung and tag as to the lowest of low.

Anonymous said...

Everyone needs to understand that Scott Gunniston and the PRC as well as the PRC and Maryland COurt System are in the business of locking up men for the the most minor of sins, run my women and for that Gunnisoton is a traitor. Men drink are hot tempered and those things will not or have not changed. Men are are sexual, seek dominance and these now are called crimes. These are not crimes. They are mens tempermanet, and will not change.

My dog will chase his tail. Imagaine a municiapl ordinance that says that dogs cannot cahse there tail as it is an offense. Yet Gunnison and the cunt men dominating women in the Crimianl Justice System seek to check my dog from chasing his tail.

You cannot do it you will not do it. We beasts behave a certain way, and you cannot chage it. Yet Gunniston and his ilk, seek to imprison mens free will, against their basis in Natural Law and call this crimes. Better yet to call PRC, the MD Code, PRC as crimes against Men.

When the econeomy turns, and you are out your worthless work, we as free men will seek you out for your crimes.

YOu are weak and worthless, the women even less. I look for the day when you losers, lose everything and are punished by economic loss and fear the day of a differnet rule of Law.

BEware the lagacy you live, it will be overturned, and you will live under our thumb

Anonymous said...

Scott Gunnison-

You crossed the wrong trail in life and based on your de-humanizing conduct, I am going to speak the only language you understand.

I am going to turn over documents to the American Correctional Association in Alexandria VA, to discredit your program, then, shrink your budget and get you fired.

Then I am going to form a class action lawsuit against MAIF, your self insured Montgomery County self insurance and put liberal NY jews on suing the County and attacking your insurers for your suicide rateas depriving men of their Civil Rights. Once I have succeeded in destroying a large part of the credit rating, it will trickle down to you with disacrediation, budget cuts and throw you and your low life cronies out of work. How do you like that Scott? That pension you planned for might be gone.

It is all possible, and will happen.

It just takes a willfull man to bring down the house. Your house is about to crumble. Since you have so much effect on the economic destruction of others over the years, how do YOU feel about losing your working years, and income, and drawing down on your meager savings, until you are thrown onot the hepa of the lower class.

Sweet dreams Scotty boy and the day workers at the Marinelli Drive NAzi facility.

IN a perfect world I would drive all of you public sector do nothing social workers into the worst economic condtions, and headed deeply into the lower class of society.

YOu make nothing, you create nothing, you build nothing, you transact nothing. You are worthless municipal mediocre nothings, like a drag on society. AS jailors, all you have is contempt.

I will make it my business to destroy your pensions and economic security, via tortious lawsuits.

Maybe when you are 65 you can enjoy mopping flors at Kmart to buy food for yourself and your wife.

Dont bet on your 401k. That will flip negative in a year as well as your middle class Rockville house.

Anonymous said...

Hung Pham rules

Anonymous said...

Just want to say: Hung Pham is the man at PRC...Paula needs to realize that she works as an RS and not a police officer..(not our problem she didn't pass the academy!!!)

Anonymous said...

Do these people ever go home? I mean their family life must suck bad for them to want to hang around all the time trying to write us up. And if they have no home life they go out with each other and probably bang each other in the locked rooms past unit four. Did you know that Paula dates Will with the dreads? Did you know that Andrew bangs Wendy? When you see Wendy at central always with her head down texting away, she is texting Andrew. Shit is gay yo.

Anonymous said...

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[b]Check it out, have some fun, interact and enjoy all the free stuff.

Anonymous said...

I don't know who you are that posted the stuff about your softcore porn site, but scram. Beat it. This blog is only for those who have lived at PRC and have family members there. This is serious business and people's lives are at stake.

Anonymous said...

As I understand PRC helped by lending it's time, and resources which are the inmates, to help with a local food drive to commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King's Birthday. the inmates and interns of course.

Anonymous said...

Pernell Shaw needs a psychiatric evaluation desperately. Possibly a random drug test for him too? His tools for change is meant for a pack of monkeys misbehaving during feeding time.

Anonymous said...

What's up with the old tymers that come to PRC and know all the younger people? Where they do that at? They must be caught in some type of indentity/mid-life crisis situation.

Anonymous said...

What a fucked up use of resources. PRC is nothing but a daycare for adults. They got motherfuckers flipping the yellow pages looking for employment like a bunch of monkeys. It's like grade school during meal times with the dumb ass boys trying to sit with the lame ass girls. Except the dudes are learning disabled street retards and the bitches are just straight ugly with missing teeth and shit. I mean, "where they do that at?" Trying to hook up at PRC is like having cancer and going to the hospital and looking for a mate with HIV. The outcome is dismal at best. I don't know how much it costs to run that place, but the should turn it into a homeless shelter or simply burn it down. Either solution is better than what goes on now.

Anonymous said...

PRC.... A shit hole it is and will be. Filled with mice,lack of hot water,and a icebox of a cafeteria.... I have been given the wrong medicine twice from those homos. Paola a bitch of a staff, thinks someone owes her something like a (private show). All those people are fake and foney. They dont care bout your well being its never how you doing hows your day but always did you get a paycheck and make sure you turn it in....PRC can rot in hell!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Free Tiny!

Anonymous said...

Paola does think she is one bad bitch. For real for real, she got the body of a full back. She do smell good though. She can go ahead on with her Predator head looking boyfriend Will. Camille the intern does give it up to inmates, I have heard the voicemails myself. Hung is a cool as MF, don't get him twisted though, people need to know where to draw the line and respect his authority. Pernell sucks, maybe cocks too. All in all, just like my man said before me, PRC can rot in hell.

Anonymous said...

respect opens doors

Anonymous said...

Seriously yo! We got ourselves locked the fuck up, and these people got jobs to do! It's actually kinda childish and stupid to get on here and complain about some shit you caused! if you go there, lay low shut the fuck up and stay out them people way! you wasn't complaining when you was out there smokin them dippers, don't start now yo! Y'all niggiz is corny!

Anonymous said...

If you asshole spent half the energy looking for jobs as you do bad mouthing PRC... There'd be no need for this dumbass blog!

Anonymous said...

If you asshole spent half the energy looking for jobs as you do bad mouthing PRC... There'd be no need for this dumbass blog!

Anonymous said...

who cares what people did in the past the past gets left in the past... PRC is just a profit organization filled with lies and rude staff once the right people get a hold to what goes on in prc and dis and dat it wont be up for long.... in the jail u could have food now all of a sudden they wanna stop that hahaha.... those happy meals the fed ppl we would die of starvation. and to put up vending machines come on just something more for them to profit from.... all cause they have a rat problem trust me if the wanted to control it they could have done it all ready so dont blame it on the food.....

Anonymous said...

"If you asshole spent half the energy looking for jobs as you do bad mouthing PRC... There'd be no need for this dumbass blog!"

Well if you dumbfuck new how to blog, you wouldn't post shit twice. As they say in PRC, "where they do that at?" Also, it you "assholes" not you "asshole". Are you Middle Eastern?

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of monkeys running that place. So last week these idiots decide to "shake down" the whole place because people been smoking the spice like left and right. So the rocket scientist in charge decides to shake Unit 4 first, thus alerting the other units to what is going on. I am sure they found a bunch of cigarettes and phones, but no K2! Keep hope alive, is where it's at.

Anonymous said...

Important Notice: No more feeding the animals!

Anonymous said...

Honestly i do agree with some individuals about you placing yourself in the position in the first place, but some people like my case didn't place themselves there and are innocent but as fucked up as Montgomery County's legal system is was found guilty on a crime uncommitted...

The organization PRC markets itself as a service offered to help incarcerated individuals merge back into society will addressing the need to correct criminal behaviors. This is the expectation for re-entry but what actually happens there is they degrade you as an individual and judge you as a criminal thus hindering you because they have control mechanisms that are meant to control negative activity; but it also prevents positive activity as well by its uniform structure of judgment that you are still an "INMATE" while calling you a resident. For those who do have serious criminal issues and need a controlled structure its approach is useful for security reasons, but for those individuals who don't have strong criminal records and are sincerely and visibly trying to make progress and /or change for the better this program does not pay recognition.

They will say they are proud of you but at the end of the day they have to treat you like a criminal because "thats there job" and treat you like your a juvenile delinquent and control your money, job sustainability, social interaction, and the most important your ability to re-enter society.

The programs budget is cut and tight and the staff are over loaded and dont want to do any work because they are, along with bearing responsibility for the accountability of the residents there (in which why they don't want to allow the residents to do things for fear of being responsible for them).

They need new staff thats there to help not hinder and to change the structure to one that the case managers and staff helps residents be more productive. The case managers there fear loosing their jobs and in turn; turn that fear upon the residents and hinder them from doing anything even if it is productive and that shouldn't be.

In closing PRC is wayyyyyyyyyy better than being in jail yes, If you did a crime and know you could be in jail but are there your blessed in a sense, but are they there to help you no. Just there to wait for your failure to use their stringent policies as a reason to put you back in jail no matter who you are ..... from a killer to a person who couldnt stop smoking pot and got caught ..... to a person who was caught driving on a suspended license.... they treat you as a untrusted criminal not a resident ther in focus to do better in life.

Its up to you to be able to work their system to be productive but if you violate any of their policies even for your better good. Back to jail you go.