Friday, February 23, 2007

Response frome the chief regarding the LSI-R

Well I received a letter from the Chief and his screeners. They corrected 2 out of the 8 incorrect scores on my Recidivism evaluation. That shows that they admitted to falsifying the first scoring! And since they intentionally falsified 6 more areas on my evaluation, HOW MANY OTHERS have they scored incorrectly or in other words ...falsified and manipulated results of the LSI-R. I have several inmates at the PRC that have been scored incorrectly and have had theirs corrected. What about the ones that are unaware of these illegal practices going on at the Montgomery County Maryland Pre Released Center?? Someone needs to expose that they are falsifying records on probably every resident or otherwise called inmate. EXPOSE THEM NOW !!!! this is an organization that MUST be exposed of their wrongdoing and harm to disadvantaged inmates that come into this establishment ! I am the voice of the victim! EXPOSE MONTGOMERY COUNTY PRE RELEASE AND RE ENTRY SERVICE TODAY ! NEXT POST WILL UP DATE THIS AND OTHER PAY ROLL DISCREPANCIES ! THEY TAKE MORE $ FROM THE DISADVANTAGED AT THE END OF YOUR TERM !!! I WILL EXPOSE THIS NEXT TIME ! Thank you for visiting !

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